Head Against A Brick WALL

Sunday, January 13, 2008

So... I'm stuck
I have so many projects going on that require me to be ..CREATIVE..
that i have run full tilt into a nasty moss covered crumbling lime stone WALLL!!


gosh even my blinkin brain hurts..
i need balance
i try soo hard at the 9-5 to not detract from the work in supposed to do..
but some how my brilliant moments seem to arise just when i'm supposed to be doing that complicated spreadsheet that my boss needed twenty minutes ago....

so I've taken to emailing myself...haha... I email myself my idea so i can go back to it later..sigh

so then i end up with a set ah blinkin emails that jus reminding that I still aint do nothing!!!!

My blog reader so full that just looking at the list giving me anxiety headaches...

When i sit to read... i wonder if I'm missing CSI...

when im watching TV im wondering if i should be catching up on my blog ...or doing design research...


plus this social networking thing is a blasted pain in the backside sometimes..

its like i cant NOT check facebook or myspace...cause i missing out on everything...

Missing out on what??

then i pray for my phone to not ring...and i worry when it doesnt..

maybe i just need a good well. um..vacation?? hahahahah

Is this a cry for help??

A friend of mine ...{marlos} said that one of the things that define me is the fact that i'm Driven...

at the time it sounded like a compliment..

Right now i'm wondering...if im DRIVING myself into a state of INSANITY..

Its like Michael Jackson and R Kelly...

You pay for GENIUS with INSANITY...


i wonder how Minshall does handle it?

[forgive the trini accent in this one... lol.. it's like a language you lapse into when you scared or suprised or upset. Maybe Google should come up with a translator for that]

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  1. sounds like me.. you need a nice long vacation.

    I dont have any qualms about ignoring the phone though :p


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