Pics...Band Launches 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So last weekend , there were three band launches....on Friday Carnival Nationz Miami., Saturday : Generation X Miami , and Sunday Party People Mas.

I had big plans to go to all of them...FAIL. I made it Friday, couldnt make it Saturday and since I was hired to do makeup for them, made it on SUnday.

This weekend really made it seem like the season is finally in full swing. All the costumes showed amazing potential, and the bands are making huge efforts in term of presentation. I was happily impressed.

Here are a few pics of the Costumes and Bands..

Click on the images for galleries
Carnival Nations - A Tribute to The Mighty Sparrow.

A tribute to Mighty Sparrow

Generation X - Cocktails

Party People Mas - "Carnival Pleaures"

Party People Mas pic courtesy

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