The Process 2009

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Like I announced Band Vibrationz will be presenting Vegas Nights as our presentation for Miami Carnival.

As Creative Director [gulp] for the means that even now we are in full planning stages. A quick trip to New York last week for materials/samples was one of our first moves...and the process has begun.

In Miami you would be hard pressed to charge the prices generally quoted for Trinidad carnival..or even for Labor Day in New York. So our constant challenge is to do creative designs on a limited budget.

Our premise at Vibrationz is that we want to deliver a quality costume, close to Trinidad Standards as our budgets will allow. Placing fourth in last years carnival does not deliver a large financial our challenge is always budget.

My challenge is always the balance of creativity vs budget..a challenge that makes for constant barter with vendors and creative means to come up with distinctive designs...

Right now ..we're in the midst of designing prototypes. And head is spinning..because as much as I want spectacular design elements...staying within budget and having distinctive costumes is driving me up a wall. I sometimes wish that we had the benefit of Large sponsors like some of the more established bands...but i think the challenge is what keeps up sharp.

Jamaicans have a saying..Likkle but they talawah....I kinda think that's what Vibrationzz is. At least right now. We may not have the benefit of large sponsors but we try sooo hard to make our masqueraders happy that i believe that's one of the reasons they keep coming back. Our team is selfless, and focused on a true carnival experience even outside of we continue.

And now my dreams are filled with braid and feathers, of color swatches and applique..of converting visions in my head to reality on a mannequin and eventually to models and costumes on the road.

See you soon..
I out on the road.....i there with my friends...:)


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