Time to join the Living

Thursday, July 02, 2009

hi peoples...

Ive been hiding..
I've lost some one I Still love...
My job has kept me so busy that I have no personal life...
Im stressed about Miami Carnival...
so ive been kinda bouncing around with out a specific direction
Just coping..
recently moved too...so im trying to catch my bearings....
and i've resorted to just dealing with each day only.
One day...at a time

it's strange to me to not be able to share my life with this person anymore...
to function... solo..
But ...I must
anf its time for me to join the ranks of the living again..

to be active, and happy and focused..
not the robotic thing that has been an excuse for my whole self since March


I'm back...whether I want to or not

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