Miami Carnival 2010 - Feature - Skandalous designs - PANDORA - Avatar 2010

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Today, im featuring the section producer - Skandalous Designs fronted by Melissa Prescott - a friend of mine and a former Flava Girls masquerader :), and her sister Arleesha. In her own words, here is why she decided to take the step into the world of section production in Miami Carnival..

In dire need of change and inspired by D’Untouchables, 1st Dimension, Flava Girls and Vibrationzz, my sister (Arleesha Prescott) and I just wanted to try ah ting and see what would happen. Tired of adding rhinestones and feathers to costumes purchased from other bands we would play mas with year after year. We did our research and inquired in 2008 how exactly to go about bringing a section with a band for Miami Carnival. Some bands wanted money upfront and had pre ordered costumes which left no room for creative freedom. That was not the way we wanted to do things. Then there were bands whose main question was “who is your designer”. Which made us sit down and think, does anyone design their own costumes anymore? Or is ordering from China, India or Trinidad the “in thing”. Then we came across One Island Body Paint Band, which is a New York based band. At that time the carnivals were split between Broward and Miami. I found that the Band Leader Rolando Jarvis was able to answer all my questions and gave me the creative freedom to design and show what we could do. Skandalous debuted in 2009 and it was more work than we ever imagined, not to mention, a learning experience. Now for 2010 we are still with One Island whose theme is AVATAR: Return to the Road, and have the lead section in the band, PANDORA. Another year, higher expectations, more work but seeing it all come to life is worth it. This has definitely been a learning experience, but with every year we're getting better.>
Shandi/Me/Arleesha/Melissa - 2006 Miami Carnival with Flava Girls "'Elation" in Generation X
Speaking from my own experience, producing sections for bands in Florida is no small feat.  Most times the band reaps all the benefit from your work. The financial gain is minimal, and once you successfully establish a brand with one band, you lose your masqueraders if you leave that band because you've been associated with the Main band...not just your section. So I give you much respect Melissa. Keep focused and follow your dream. Much Love..and I will see you on the ROOOAADD!!!

Skandalous designs is producer of the lead section PANDORA in the band Avatar presented by One Island Band for Miami Broward Carnival 2010. Their website is here.

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