Ey Sweetness.....Simple Things that Make Me happy..

Friday, November 30, 2007

A Doubles, at the perfect temperature, with the correct amount of pepper with the accurate consistency,
A Random heckle from an anonymous stranger.."Ey Sweetness.." and that's all...no more harassment...no more words...just a smile...

That moment right after you sip your first cup of coffee on a Monday morning..

Jeans that fit both my hips and my waist...

A psychic phone call from my mother at just that moment when i Missed her or needed her or was sick...or hungry...

Finding 20.00 in my back jeans pockets just when I was about to overturn the couch for coins ...

That smell in the nape of a man's neck that is just his own...combination of warm, and cologne...and MAN...

Feeling SEXY in your own skin...just cause

Sunday afternoons with a glass of Merlot and a clean house and a good book...

Sitting in the Macdonald's parking lot with my sister, eating a greasy sandwich BEFORE we drive so that we can both eat instead of one eating and driving...BEFORE we go shop like we're Paris Hilton.

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  1. I would have to add (to my list if I had one):

    playing mas in the right carnival with the right friends (like Miami)

    that first sip of barbancourt 5 star..so smooth...and you know the work day is over

  2. Awwwww!! I love it!!! Lol!! I would have to add to my list the feeling right b4 the band leave on Monday & Tues in Trinidad!!

  3. I'm no stranger, nor am I anonymous but I would like to say, "Ey sexy, looking good gyul."

  4. *i'll keep my side comment for msn"

    Parking lot eating soon come back. I could do with a downtown miami hot dog RIGHT now.

  5. wow, how'd you know? These would be on my list too! (except I don't eat Mcdick's w my sis, only alone, lol!)


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