Its Summer

Monday, August 11, 2008

Im a bald head again...HAHA
It's my mohawk in training..
My sister sometimes feels tempted to cut her locks off..
They're beautiful and i would probably strangle her with them if she did..

But have to admit..
watching the hair fall and feeling the breeze on your ears..
rubbing you hand almost directly on your scalp..
is the most LIBERATING thing..

I think it forces people to just See YOU !
which i've learned is sometimes a scary thing..
Hooray for summer..
My Mohawk is Now In training..
if you care..haha.. and you dont have to...pic

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  1. I love it, you have the perfect head to be a baldy.

  2. haha..thank you...i love that i cut everything but my eyes out...i look like a cheeky little Loki...
    Maybe that's my new nick name..Loki..the bald head psycho chick..


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