Things I've learned about me random moments

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm pretty , in my own way..[not being vain]
I'm smart..enough...and not so shallow..
I have Baggage...tons of it..but its not all my fault..Some of it is..
But I'm trying to fix it..
I can make people laugh ..and smile..
I have random pieces of knowledge stowed away in my head for safe keeping..
I kinda intuitively know the people i like...and wanna keep around..
i worry too much sometimes...
Until i break ..
and don't worry any more..
I like me ..Most days...
I think I have a lot to share with people who have the patience to listen...
I still Have dreams I wanna pursue..
and potential to complete him...

I'll admit I've been in a fugue these past weeks...
But feel like its over..

I feel like Me ..yay Me.

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  1. Yay for being you...but wait, did you pass the fugue to me *joking*

  2. I not sharing no fugue's... its not contagious mama..well I hope not....haha .and if I did..go outside ..stand in the sun..and remember the things that your TRUE friends love about you..

    a friend of mine helped me out of it...he reminded me that im kinda sweet is that?


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