I am a Sinner - ANGRY

Monday, May 19, 2008

Forgive me this morning for the rant that bubbling in my chest....[ Names and specific situations have been removed to protect the innocent]

I am a sinner. We all are. For us that believe in God, or lets say a higher being, we believe in the concept of living a life that respects our brothers and sisters, ourselves; that repents of our Slip ups and tries to seek a higher purpose, all while struggling with earthly material things so that we can attain that Final Glory beyond this physical realm. Or just. NOT.

You are to be judged by HIM and all can be forgiven if truly confessed. That is the Mystery of Christianity. Most religions carry this same concept.

So God, Allah, Yahweh, Abba, Jah, Free Choice, Ngai, El...whoever he/she is....

Forgive me this moment of blatant Anger.

I have no problem with people finding their faith. I am happy when people have discovered their personal connection to God, to a higher being or entity that makes them see a purpose, a path, a direction for their life and hope for the life after that.

Having a religion and faith are not intertwined for me...[am i scaring anybody yet?? Don't get scared Mommy]

I believe in that higher power that has a purpose beyond my reasoning and understanding...and while I have at times been VERY Mad at that power..for not speaking to me when I wanted it to...[read on mommy], I have released my life to its direction. I cannot control it or predict it , or judge it. I can just hope to accept that the PURPOSE is there.

MY PROBLEM is when people try to FORCE their faith on me.

Its the Hypocritical "I am better than you now" stance that drives me up a wall.

A CHRISTIAN whose purpose is to bring other to the flock does not PUT THEM SELF on a pedestal and condemn those who don't walk in their specific path.

A CHRISTIAN does not judge the lifestyles of the ones around them and condemn them to eternal hell and damnation.

A CHRISTIAN doesn't forget that they too are a sinner, NOT PERFECT, susceptible to sin just like others around them.

Just because you have JESUS on SPEED DIAL,
Just because the HOLY SPIRIT is your homeboy ...
and he STAYS in YOUR GUEST BEDROOM when he tired of HEAVEN...

Don't mean that you are somehow better than me... ESPECIALLY when I hold the secret to the DIRT In you grungy, black little sordid past !!@!!!!

And just like HUMAN NATURE that JESUS himself created, APPLE tree cant grow GRAPES.

I KNOW your nature...and you KNOW it too.

One day the little ceramic SHELL you created to Hide YOUR HEART will crack and shatter into little stinky pieces at your feet. LILY white on the outside...and GRUNGY BROWN on the inside.

I don't run. I EMBRACE and LEARN and ask FORGIVENESS and GROW.

So while you judge others..Be careful...because we BOTH know how low the MIGHTY have fallen.

God Bless YOU!

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