Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Nothing in this life is Black and White, Right or Wrong left or Right. Trying to convince yourself that it is that way or can be that way is creating a world for yourself that only YOU exist in.

I had a friend in college that did that. His reality was completely of his own creation…we would experience the same things and his interpretation of it would make me wonder if we were in the same place at the same time.

It’s not Gray either…changing shades of gray.. I think it’s more …….a mist of changing colors…lol.. a fog of sorts..where colors change as people’s choices change, their inspiration, the state of their heart, or mind, the effect of their experiences on their PRESENT...all changing…CONSTANTLY changing…

I think people's ability to SEE changes too…based on how others affect them…or how they have ALLOWED others to affect them…so you CHOSE to be influenced…You think choice creates a color? Maybe Red when its passionate?? Yellow when its hesitant?

I think my color right now would be Ice blue…with a Pulsing Red streak straight through it… You think depression sucks the color/energy out so it FEELS GRAY?

I guess your perception of it changes the fog from overwhelming grey drudgery that suffocates to a cloud of color and varying hues , aurora borealis-like that you move through…Each day CHOOSING what your VIEW is..

And that’s..jus life ..right? and how Friekin Beautiful is that???

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