Sexy is....? A Ramble [warning]
Thursday, June 19, 2008I'm not 24 anymore...
Im thirty some...shit im 33 years old..OK?
And like most women at this stage you've hopefully come to terms with your body by now,
Even if you have kids...which I don't yet..[mommy get out my post]
any distortions I hope would be viewed as Badges of Honor..
Because of my Alter Ego though, I come into contact with
1. Younger HOT body Hard Body chicks, and
2. Women my age who try to maintain the sexy parts and play down the Not so sexy,
3. Older women whose bodies could fall into area number 1 that should be on that Essence Magazine Feature, and
4. Women who don't fit the Magazine stereo type..but dont give a Flying Fig!
Depending on my mood, or life circumstances, I can move from category to category...though around carnival the obsession to lose the little round areas grows...
But Ive learned the most from the SO CALLED "BIG" Ladies...
Sexy is ALL in your head
And Can you try too Hard??
I was checking my myspace this morning...refusing to work..and I Happened across one of the profiles of uhm an acquaintance of mine..younger than I am...most definitely in category 1...Shit cause she SHOWS it to you on her myspace.
In fact you can probably count the MOLES On her body if you looked at the pictures enough. sigh...So i was trying to process if it was subtle HATE [not as in I detest her..but Hate as in hate the player] that was making my stomach Queasy browsing her page .
I mean I'm ll about youthful exuberance and loving my body and flaunt it if you got it ..and blah blah blah blah...But when do you know if too much is too much.
Given...this girl has a great body....she Does.
But the way she choses to show this to everybody makes me so uneasy. Or maybe its the forum she choses ...cause I'm sure the TYPE of attention she's calling to herself is..Not any kinda long term, I RESPECT you...[after i swear i just saw your short and curlies in a pic on Myspace] attention.
The sadder thing is that she is the same way in person. Its like Her blatant -I'm SEXY Deal With It - SLAPS you in the face when ever you meet you have no idea WHO she is...and maybe you don't even care. You meet put her in a box..IMMEDIATELY! made me think...and I'm the first to admit that what I THINK Men believe to be Sexy and what they REALLY do think is sexy is so far apart that i have completely given up on trying to even find some kinda rational process for it...
But " Displaying your parts" don't seem SEXY to me..unless you're playing mas of course..haha. Am I wrong? Young or old. I know being younger you can be daring, and if it works for you ..Go for it...but uhm...shouldn't there be a balance?
My Mom used to tell us if the top short- then the bottom long. ha hah. I still kinda follow that...Ain't half of the sex appeal the mystery of what you're NOT seeing? And the other half is Attitude? Or that don't count any more? I figure if you follow that rule ..then I can be Sexy FOREVER? Or am I fooling Myself about that too?
You said it girl! Sexy is as sexy does....