Somebody Likes me!!!
Thursday, June 05, 2008He Likes me he really likes Me!!
or maybe he did something wrong and is feeling guilty..
nothing like that..
My Boss bought me Flowers...
Im too easily amused....
My office smells like a wonderful tropical garden...:)
PS these pics were taken with my crappy cell phone...not too bad..oh you got a pic of my desk haha look at my cashew halves...feed my salt crave at 2, and that little green animal on the desk saysI was jus wondering why my calendar is May 27th?
Haha...i need to know the date ALL day at work...and if it weren't for the little widget on my desktop i don't even use the thing.
Everybody else in my office had their little professional calendar so i didn't want to look less cool.
Oh and the yellow cup is My ASSIGNED coffee mug.
Everybody here is phobic about germs...sooo when you're sick...or even if they THINK you're sick you revert to your assigned mug that only you wash and handle.
Well thats enough inside my office for the day